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yoga classes

in bristol

I am currently not teaching any regular weekly classes. I am teaching regular workshops!

For handstands and acro yoga visit the workshops page!

class descriptions

vinyasa flow

A vibrant dynamic flow class that aims to strengthen the connection to your inner world through asana, breath, mantra and rest. This classes builds strong foundations, focusing on alignment and taking time with asana, adding depth. I encouraging you to move from the inside, listening to your body, as we move together in a playful dance of yang and yin. We'll explore asana from a kramic approach, offering step by step guidance for you to take things to a place that feels good.

yin yoga

An evening of deep relaxation with yin yoga and sound, offering a safe space for you to create your own nest and settle into the body. My yin sessions involve little movement, we stay in gentle poses for a few minutes at each time, with an opportunity to listen to the body and relax into the practice, your choice. I bring to the practice the healing power of vibration through gentle sounds to help access blockages deeper in the body.

Sometimes the poses work with meridian lines, or I will choose a set of poses that focus on certain area of the body or theme. I may also close with a Yoga Nidra practice. My intention with these sessions is to nurture, nourish and yield, offering tools that have been incredibly powerful and healing in my own practice.

1 on 1 private tuition

I offer one on one yoga private tuition, and acroyoga for 1 or 2 people or groups. Working to my strengths, a private yoga session can involve exploring asana, inversions, handstands and building specific flexibility, mobility and strength but we will start with a conversation about what you’re looking for and take it from there.

Private classes are a great way to work through obstacles in your practice and explore asana that you find challenging or unsure of in a class setting, they are empowering and a great opportunity to ask all those questions!

Please email me to enquire, pricing will depend on session times, and studio availability.


It’s playtime!! These sessions give space for an in-depth yoga practice offering a kramic approach to inversions and arm balances. Expect a strong but steady flow incorporating specific strength, flexibility and mobility from a range of disciplines, creating a unique practice. I understand the importance of using props and building specific strength before taking flight and offer exercises for all levels in my classes.

handstand WORKSHOPs

Warming up with a strength and mobility based flow, we progressing to handstand drills and handstand, exploring different entries. We’ll work on balance, alignment, integration and specific strength drills. i run beginner and improver workshops.

acro yoga workshops

In these workshops you’ll learn acroyoga transitions, creative flows, and partner calibrations. Working in groups of 3, base, flyer, and spotter work together to ensure a safe and supported practice, each playing an equal part. Flows and washing machines will be calibrated to your level to make sure that everyone is challenged, no matter the skill level.  Expect to have a lot of laughter whilst challenging your comfort zone at the same time! You do not need a yoga practice or partner to do acroyoga, come as you are!